Saturday 24 December 2011

Pippa Middleton: Christmas With the Royal Family!

Obviously, Kate Middleton will be spending the holidays with her new husband and his royal family. Because it's her first Christmas away from home, the Queen mum and company have made an exception to their usual "royalty only" policy and will permit Kate's sister, Pippa Middleton, to join her at Buckingham Palace.

Not only will Pippa be around on the big day to unwrap the royal presents and get drunk on the royal egg nog, she'll also join Will and Kate on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) for the family's annual pheasant hunt, which is apparently a big deal. In the past, the hunt was only open to members of the Royal Family and their spouses, plus the sight of Pippa firing a rifle should be incredibly hot.
The British tabloids are also all a twitter over the fact that Pippa and Prince Harry will be spending the night under the same roof.

What do you think about the hype???

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