Monday 12 December 2011

Kris Humphries speaks out about his divorce… kinda

So, we all know all the drama surrounding the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humpries wedding, from which he is currently trying to get an annulment from, which will legally mean the wedding never happened and would ultimately make the pre nuptial agreement he signed  irrelevant.

So basically until then said agreement is still hanging over his head, and one of the terms of that agreement is that he CANNOT talk about Kim during interviews or sell stories about her, which is why it baffled us that he even bothered agreeing to an interview in the first place!

When he went on TV to talk about the split, the silly gormless Kris  then realised that Kim’s lawyers would be carefully analysing every single word that came out of his mouth, and therefore he couldn’t really say anything revealing or interesting about her which is what we’re all waiting for.

Instead, Kris who was joined by Mummy the entire interview looking very edgy and avoiding questions about Kim.

What are your thoughts???

Check out the very awkward interview below:

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